20 August 2005

School supplies

It must mark me as a permanent school dork that I still get a small thrill from checking out the new school supplies every August - mmm, pens, notebooks, binders (though the famous Trapper Keepers seem to have fallen by the wayside), everything all clean and new. I'm ready.

Thing is, this year it actually makes some sense, as I'll be starting a graduate program through UT in the futuristic sounding School of Information, with an emphasis in the even-more-futuristic sounding "Information Architecture." Hopefully sometime during this first semester I can even start to explain what that is.

I've resisted the grad school thing for a while, mainly because the areas I'm interested in seem fairly useless, graduate degree or no ("Ooh, you have a master's in screenwriting! We want you to write the 'Quincy' movie, starring The Rock!"), and I already have a decent but not super-high-paying job. Plus I'm lazy. But I will give UT some credit for its benefits, as I can take one class free every semester (and while working full-time, I'm not doing much more than that anyway). So it might be slow, but hopefully I can get a master's for almost $0. That's some nicely architected information right there. Hmm, maybe I can spend my scratch on silly fancy binder systems instead...

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