16 April 2007

Proposed Alternative Taxes

Since it is the income tax deadline, and in the spirit of other "sin" taxes, I thought I'd throw out some suggestions for other possible revenue sources:

On an unusually cold day, remarking "Gosh, what happened to global warming! Ha ha." - $100
On an unusually warm day, remarking "See, it's global warming! Ha ha." - $25

Turning without a turn signal - $20
Forgetting to turn a turn signal off - $50

Asking rhetorically if a celebrity has had plastic surgery - $40

Forwarding bad joke emails - $5/email


Anonymous said...

I think the forwarding bad joke emails should a be much, much higher tax.

Paul C. said...

What about office-wide e-Mailing of Bible verses? That ought to be warrant some kind of tax.

Greg said...

Hmm, that could get into the whole messy "church and state" issue. But yeah, that's a problem...

And Alison, maybe we could make it $5/email per person it is sent to? So one sent to 20 people would be $100?