31 August 2007

Moving: The Scorecard

For anyone keeping track, we have made the move to Minneapolis from Austin. Hopefully the fun part starts now, as the last week or so have been filled with a few hassles:

- packing and cleaning, as everyone knows, are among the least enjoyable tasks of life - next time I'm just buying matches and lighter fluid
- though they did pretty well, driving for two days with 3 dogs behind the seat of a pickup is not something I can recommend across the board - and staying with them in a hotel room is a firm NO
- trying to sell and buy a house in the midst of a weird mortgage loan crisis would also not have been my preference

On the non-gripy side, it's nice to be in a place where an August day doesn't automatically mean "hotter than the sun." And we have been eating quite well since hitting town - Pierre's Bistro, Broder's Pasta Bar, and the numerous coffee shops (no, like everywhere) have eased some of the jangle. Oh, and the State Fair is on. I think I will save a stick from some of the food on a stick and then put my mini donuts on the stick and then eat the mini donuts on a stick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, congratulations on the move!